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我们的经验建立在开发和制造完整飞机的历史上. We constantly break new ground, raising the bar for design, engineering and manufacturing technologies and program execution.


十大正规博彩网站评级拥有制造各种航空结构所需的经验和能力,但是, our main focus is on moveables, doors and wing structures.
十大正规博彩网站评级为波音787提供先进复合材料和金属门的设计和制造(所有版本), 包括机械, electrical and hydraulic systems.
Saab is represented on 空气bus Commercial Programs, 与, 例如, different types of wing structures, 副翼, exit doors and support structures to the flaps.

This is Saab 飞机结构构件

We constantly break new ground, raising the bar for design, engineering and manufacturing technologies and program execution. 80年来,我们一直致力于为客户提供最佳解决方案,这使我们始终处于行业的最前沿, and there are still plenty of technical and mental boundaries left to push. You could say innovation is deeply rooted in our work.

Efficient, safe and reliable

我们的经验, 技术诀窍和专业知识建立在开发和制造完整飞机的历史上. Since the foundation of Saab in 1937, thousands of aircraft have left our hangars, including the Saab 340, the Saab 2000 and Gripen – the world’s first new-generation fighter in operation.

Some use innovative technology - we create it

今天, 我们的知识, 专业知识和全球影响力转化为最先进的航空结构,具有成本效益, 坚固和安全. 我们运用我们的知识, 丰富的经验和创新的思维,创造出具有成本效益的解决方案,进一步提高我们的产品和我们提供的客户价值.

关闭 working relationships 与 our customers

In 1997, 十大正规博彩网站评级决定将其商业航空业务的重点放在向主要飞机制造商供应结构部件上. 今天,我们是波音和空客的一级合作伙伴,我们的重点是开发机翼结构, 可移动物品和门. 多年来, 我们与客户建立了密切的工作关系,并被认为是他们飞机开发的关键战略合作伙伴.


波音787 - Saab supplies the large and bulk cargo doors, as well as the crew escape doors for the 波音787 Dreamliner. A range of systems are built into the doors’ composite structures, providing the customer 与 a lightweight door that is easy to install.

空客A380 -十大正规博彩网站评级为世界上最大的商用飞机空中客车A380生产内外固定前缘. Each MOLE is 32 meters long and exceeding two tons. It is the single largest part ever produced by Saab.

空客A350 - Saab is responsible for design, 为A350系列中最大的飞机A350 XWB-1000开发和制造襟翼支撑结构和整流罩. 襟翼支撑结构将着陆襟翼连接到机翼后缘结构,并允许在起飞和着陆阶段展开襟翼.

空客A330 -十大正规博彩网站评级为A330neo项目提供复合材料工作,包括制造A330neo机翼后缘虚假延伸部分,该延伸部分位于机翼外侧,与“鲨鱼”和翼盒相连. 十大正规博彩网站评级负责生产工具的设计和制造,以及工作包所需的所有项目的制造和组装.

空客A321 - 2015年3月,十大正规博彩网站评级成为A321neo空客Cabin Flex项目的供应商,并与其工程合作伙伴Tech Mahindra在海德拉巴合作, responsible for design, development and manufacture of Door Plug 3 and Cover Plate. In April 2016 Saab received the contract from 空气bus to design, 开发和制造A321 ACF(空中客车弹性客舱)飞机的翼上门. 这是一种带有执行器弹簧的金属门,旨在取代以前的舱门.

空客A320飞机 -十大正规博彩网站评级公司负责开发和生产空客A320系列飞机的副翼. Always striving to improve our solutions, we redesigned the aileron in 2006. 新版本所需的组件数量减少了一半,并大大减少了生产时间和成本.

空客A400M - Saab develops, produce and provide support of the crew door for the A400M.



  • 作为一级供应商,十大正规博彩网站评级航空结构是空客和波音所有合同的单一来源
  • Saab has a sub-assembly site in 印度, which supply final assembled doors directly to the tier ones Final Assembly Line
  • 十大正规博彩网站评级航空结构在精益的最前沿,是十大正规博彩网站评级移动装配线的先驱之一


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